Finance Smart

Tax-saving savings: Own term deposits

Discover the secrets to growing your wealth with smart tax strategies on fixed deposits – your guide to smart saving starts here!


When it comes to saving money, term deposits are a popular choice for many investors due to their stability and predictable returns. However, understanding the tax implications of term deposits can help you maximize your savings. This blog post will explore some tax-savvy tips for managing term deposits effectively.

What is term deposit?

TERM DEPOSITS is a type of savings account in which money is locked away for a predetermined period of time at a fixed interest rate. At the end of the term, you receive your initial investment plus the interest earned.

Tax corner

Interest earned from term deposits is taxable income. It's important to know how this affects your overall tax liability and what strategies you can use to minimize the amount of tax you pay.

Tips for investing tax-efficient term deposits

  • Understand your tax bracket: The interest you earn is taxed at your marginal tax rate. Knowing your tax bracket can help you plan your investments accordingly.
  • Timing is key: Consider the maturity date of your fixed deposit to align with a financial year where you expect lower income.
  • Split deposits: If you save as a couple, splitting term deposits between partners can be beneficial if one partner is in a lower tax bracket.
  • Use tax-free allowances: Some jurisdictions offer tax-free allowances for savings interest. Make sure you don't pay more tax than necessary.

Choose a suitable term deposit

  • Refer to interest rates: Different financial institutions offer different interest rates for term deposits. Find the best rate to maximize your profits.
  • Consider Term Length: Longer terms typically have higher interest rates, but remember that this also means a longer wait to access your money.
  • Read the Fine Print: Be aware of any penalties for early withdrawals and how that could affect your tax situation.


TERM DEPOSITS can be a great way to save money, but it's important to consider the tax implications to get the most out of your investment. By using some of the strategies mentioned above, you can ensure that your term deposits benefit you more, both in terms of interest earned and tax efficiency.


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